Wednesday, January 23, 2013


The following are assignments that were supposed to be completed. If you have not completed any of these assignments, here is your chance to bring up your grade.

- each student must create a blog on any subject for which they desire to have a voice.
- a new article or blog post is due each Friday by 5pm.
- the article must be at least one paragraph (5 sentences) and include at least one picture or video.
- make sure your article has a title.
- once the article is posted to your blog, click "View Blog"
- go to the article that you wish to post to my blog and click the title of your article
- copy the URL for that article
- go to my website "". Find the appropriate post for your assignment.
- click on the comments link and paste your article's URL in the comments section.
- be sure to click publish so it will actually be posted.

The first blog post was due Friday, January 18. This blog counts as a weekly exam and is 50% of your grade.

The following pictures were supposed to be taken by each student:
- a sports picture
- a food or cafeteria picture
- a random shot around the school
- a picture of anything that you would like (clean and appropriate)
- a picture of a public place

Cafeteria Ad
- Using "Pages" on your Mac, create an AD for one day of the cafeteria menu. The AD should have a cafeteria/food picture as the background, the date, and the items on the menu for that day.

Email Regarding Digital Billboard
- we watched a video of the digital billboard that I would like to create to replace the scrolling announcements.
- you were supposed to submit an email with your opinions, critique, and ideas on the video.

Edit a Picture
- open a picture in the photo editing website
- your assignment was to edit any picture you would like so that it looked drastically different from the original

Create an AD template
- using "Pages" on your Mac, create a base template for ADs to be placed on for the digital billboard.
- the template is to include "Gulf Shores High School" and "2012-13" somewhere as a tag for the AD.
- the tags are not to be predominant but rather illusive.

Decide on a Project
- choose the genre of multimedia in which you wish to express your talent, ability, interest, etc.
- create music, video, photo collage, print advertising, digital advertising, slideshow, etc.
- if you draw, paint, play an instrument, sing, rap, sculpt, dance, sew, craft, etc. Take pictures or video and create a digital presentation.
- progress will be checked daily to receive credit for classwork and production

If you have any questions regarding these assignments, contact me at


  1. Braiden Scarbrough
    2nd Block
    Makeup Work-Blog Post

  2. /Users/kaylor.buxton0507/Documents/MulimediaPUB/Photo on 1-23-13 at 4.28 PM.jpg

    /Users/kaylor.buxton0507/Documents/MulimediaPUB/Photo on 1-23-13 at 2.41 Pm.jpg

    sports pics

