Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Assignment 3/7/13


Open the project that you worked on in Keynote yesterday. Today you are going to turn the slideshow into a movie.

You will have to do the following for each slide.

- open inspector (the blue circle with the "I" inside)

- I believe the transition timing is in the first icon but I may be wrong. Check the other icons if it is not in the first.

- I want each slide to be on screen for 10 seconds

- I want each transition between the slides to be different. You CANNOT use the same transition throughout the project.

- you also need to make sure that each slide is set to change automatically and not "on click"

- once you have changed all of these things, save your project in keynote.

- now export your project as a QuickTime movie file.

As always, you need to send me an email with any questions you have at

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